Monday, January 22, 2007

ITVN & My Dilemna

Since I signed up for ITVN I have been in proverbial soccer viewing HELL! In between buffering and not being able to DVR the games I watch, I haven't felt comfortable on my couch watching tv. You should see the troubles I go through in order to get my system up and running every time I want to watch a game on Setanta. Unplug my modem, unplug my wireless adapter, unplug ITVN...wait for my modem to re-cycle, plug my adapter back in , plug ITVN back in...and cross my fingers and hope it works. This can go on all morning long. All known attempts to fix the situation, lead to this circular system.

Dilemma you ask? When do I sign-up for Directv? I have committed myself with ITVN through September 2007, so I figure why should I change now? However, the quality of ITVN is poor and although the capital outlay for Directv would be steep, I could actually keep my marriage together and keep my natural hair color!!!

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